Saturday, October 3, 2015


The persistent bother with having some sort of ongoing blog and having a very busy life...resides in the fact that there are huge swaths of time where I completely forget that I had a blog in the first place. It is not personal or intentional, I just have so much going on that I forget.

I have now survived my first full month of a PhD program without falling completely apart and dying on the inside. I am enjoying my European and Pedagogy courses and I feel like I am on the right path.

On the educational/research side... I have read some pretty cool things.

There was a village in  what is now Germany that is fantastic because they secretly (I say secretly because most of them tried to deny it at first) ritually buried a live bull at a crossroad to stop an epidemic of hoof and mouth disease in the village...yea you heard me right.

Check the book out here:

Can you imagine this conversation in the beginning... 
Hey guys we have to stop this disease, it could kill all our cows.

Oh man yea, but what are we going to do?

Well I heard that in a few villages over they had a pig that was sick and they did this and well, it worked I think.

What did they do

Well... You see... they took a male pig to the crossroads at twilight and buried him alive.

Uhhh...that sounds crazy and kind of pagan.

Yea, but it worked.


Sad Cow does not like this idea.

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