Monday, September 15, 2014

Here goes...

I like to tell stories about the crazy things I read when studying and doing research. As a student of history, you are always finding new and interesting things that spark your interest or leave you looking up specific stories or people in more detail. I tend to share those stories with coworkers, friends, and family quite often and have been told I should do a podcast....
Well I do not like talking on a microphone.
How about a blog?

This may not turn out to be interesting at all, but I will take the shot.

From today on this will be my history blog, on it you will find little facts I find interesting, sometimes annoyed observances about some of our "greatest" men (and women), and just crazy stories about history I think everyone should know.

Expect the first post soon.

Today I am reading a book titled Madison and Jefferson and already there have been a few things that I crazy.

I touched on this in my main blog but...
I found it pretty surprising that in 1776 Thomas Jefferson was only thirty-three years old and James Madison... a strapping twenty-five. Apart from the fact that at those young ages these men (along with many others) were able to fight a war and put together a functional system of government is amazing, I found it really strange that in any portrait from the period and any film that depicts the founding in existence...these men are portrayed much older. Was it because that at twenty-five and thirty-three during the 18th century, these men were well seasoned and aged men or is it because we as a society need to see age to confirm acceptable leadership and wisdom?
That is an interesting question and one I never considered.  
Is it factual to say that we age our founders to make them more respectable?  I don't know.
Does it even matter? lol!

These guys seem a lot older to me...

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