Monday, October 6, 2014

Women did not just become activists recently....

Women have a long history of being politically active...not just your outliers like Mary Queen of Scots or Elizabeth I....Isabella... these were monarchs with a great deal of power, but women also have worked pretty diligently go get their points across to the wider public.

Women in America worked pretty hard to fight for suffrage beginning in the 19th century.
Additionally, you would be surprised at how many "founders" consulted their wives before making decisions...Abigail Adams and Dolly Madison could be pretty forceful and sharp tongued when you crossed them.
In France, the women could be effective and deadly, just ask Marat.

But.... this month many many years ago, women in Paris finally lost their tempers and marched on Versailles because they were pretty tired of high and unaffordable grain prices and a lack of food can make a woman pretty hangry.
In truth, starvation was a real thing in absolutist France, the economy was atrocious and a bad year for agriculture meant starvation across the countryside with a monarchy and government so detached from reality that they simply did not realize the state of affairs with their people...

Btw...that let them eat cake was taken wayyyyy out of context...but anyway.

In October 1789, the women got so angry and out of sorts that they mobbed the armory in Paris, marched to Versailles (I think about 16 miles away) and began demanding change in a we have weapons sort of way. 
They actually forced the King to return to Paris to get some work done and this was all temporary to some extent because we all know what happened to Louis.

Anyway... this whole anti-feminism tilt lately where women should be in the home...make babies...not vote stupidity.... maybe these guys should read about what happens when you make a collective group of women angry enough. 
These ladies were not kidding

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